Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I would have to say that Gemma is the most gorgeous
little girl I have ever met!! She's so cute and I love her hair!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Attempts

Not the best photo but Ididn't really know what to do to change
the settings to make it lighter and i didn't want to miss the action.
But im very happy that i was able to get a picture of them both
rearing at the same time!!

I took this photo heaps of times, changing the exposure
and white balance and finally got a shot that brought out the colous more!

Melstars photos!!

Well turning 18 was definitely the best birthday yet!!!
...I gratefully received a car from my parents and an awesome Canon 40D from family and friends!!
So I decieded that I would make a blog so that I can upload some of my photos for people to see.
I would like to say that I really haven't had chance to use my camera so I still have lots to learn! But I'm thinking that it will be very interesting to follow my photography journey! Hopefully I will be able to look back at these photos to see how much I have improved!
If you have any tips for me, let me know!!
Anyways...that is all as I should really be sleeping!