Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008

Book Burning Bonfire!!

To end the year some of my friends decided to have a book burning bonfire, where were all able to bring our practice exams, note books, old text books and chuck them onto the bonfire and watch all our hardwork be burned into nothing!!
It was a lot of fun and some people really got into throwing all their work in that had taken so much effort! But seriously what were we going to do with all of it?!

Steak Day Wednesday

...Last week some of my accounting class came over for what we like to call 'Steak Day Wednesday' where we eat steak on a Wednesday...!! lol and of course they loved the flying fox!!

Poppy's Garden

Pop asked me to come and take some photos of his garden as it was looking very pretty, so of course I did! He then however decided that I needed to be in a photo amongst all the flowers, which I'm not going to put up cause I don't like it...

Horse Play

The neighbours horse's amuse me....