Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Diami's 2nd Birthday!

For Diami's 2nd birthday we headed down to the Melbourne Zoo! Jemma even came down from Sydney for the occasion! I'm pretty sure Diami enjoyed the day very much, his favourite animals being the ducks!! lol It was a cold winter's day but thankfully it did not rain! Favourite animals for the day would have to be the giraffes, lions (cause they fought each other lol), the otters and the meer cats!

Otters holding hands at a zoo in america! so cute

Lauren's 21st

To celebrate Lauren's 21st Birthday we went to the Thai restaurant for dinner which was very yummy! We also organised a surprise cake for Lauren but I think we were all very surprised when loud birthday music started playing from the restaurants speakers, and then the lit cake was brought out very much to Lauren's embarrassment! We also all put money in to buy Lauren a pair of brown leather boots for her birthday!! ...pretty good b'day present if you ask me!! haha

Monday, June 1, 2009

Gem and the Horsies

Whenever Gem comes to visit we always have to visit the horses!
Ever since her first visit down from Hervey Bay she remembers the time I let her pat the horses!

Fashion Assignment!

My cousin goes to the Melbourne School of Fashion one of her assignments was to design and create some pieces that would fit into the designer brand ETRO's fall collection. She also had to design some advertising for the dress and thats where I came in! I asked my friend from school to be the model and we all went around Melbourne for the afternoon taking lots of photos, not realising that we actually only needed two! haha ohwelll....it was lots of fun!

Collins St Foyer

Pretty Sunset