Friday, February 5, 2010

Last Day

Instead of driving on the road to Robe a town 50km above Beachport we drove along the 4wd tracks along the beach and in the sand dunes. It was probably one of the highlights of the trip!

Georgie after eating some icecream!

Playing at the park back in Beachport

Beachy fun!

Dinner, having his photo shoot! Tim caught him off the pier!

Salmon Bay? ... if i remember correctly

Sanduning here was heaps of fun!!

Beachport First Full Day

Tent City! The beach was 100m behind me.

4 Wheel Driving

The salt lake we played in.

On the pier looking back at the caravan park we stayed at. (Far right)

Beachport Road Trip Nov 09

The group from left to right Me, Aaron, Stacey, Maddie, Tim, Annie, Liz and Sarah. Li'z's daughter Georgie came too but she was already in the car when this photo was taken.
The first day we drove to Ballarat to Stacey's parents house and stayed the night and then we continued on to Beachport the next morning.

The sinkhole in Mt. Gambier

The blue lake in Mt. Gambier