Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Melstars photos!!

Well turning 18 was definitely the best birthday yet!!!
...I gratefully received a car from my parents and an awesome Canon 40D from family and friends!!
So I decieded that I would make a blog so that I can upload some of my photos for people to see.
I would like to say that I really haven't had chance to use my camera so I still have lots to learn! But I'm thinking that it will be very interesting to follow my photography journey! Hopefully I will be able to look back at these photos to see how much I have improved!
If you have any tips for me, let me know!!
Anyways...that is all as I should really be sleeping!


woz + em said...

Woo hoo! Photography is my favourite thing, and bound to feature some of my favourite people too!

Will be watching through your lens.


benny said...

Hey Mel,
Great to see that yet another one of us has joined the blogging ranks. You have some amazing photos on there already!

You'd made a comment about the photos taking ages to upload... I get around this by using a bulk photo resizer called FastStone Photo Resizer. It's free and easy to use, and it doesn't overwrite your photos. Blogger automatically resizes your photos to 1600x800, so I use the program to make that size before I upload, this dramatically reduces the file size (by about 90% for a 10.1MP camera), and both saves you time, and lessens your impact on your monthly internet data allowance.

Let me know if you have any hassles using it. I'll be at church for the next three weeks, so can bring my laptop and walk you through, but I'm sure you'll figure it out pretty quickly.


woz + em said...

Benny, how do you know all this?! I'm going to try that resizer if it works with a mac.

I remember when I left home and came home on weekends to find you and Matty had written programs on our old computer. I'm not sure where you get it from?!

benny said...

My usual approach is to come up with an idea, then think "surely someone else has done it already" and do an internet search. Sadly my programming days are too far in the past for me to remember how to do it myself, but fortunately there are others out there with both the knowledge and generosity to make it free.

Just now I ran a search for "freeware photo resizer for mac" and found iresize at the top of the list. No idea what it's like, but if the other program doesn't work, then this might be worth a try.

I also often substitute "freeware" for "open source". That's how I found the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP), which is what I use to edit all of my photos. It's similar to photoshop, but free. The mac download page for that is at wilber-loves-apple (or here for windows).

Mel.C said...

Hey thanks Benny! I've downloaded the program but if I have any hassles I'll let you know!
See ya on Sunday