Sunday, October 26, 2008

Celebration Day!!

Woo Hooo I've finished year 12!!!!!!
For our last day at school we don't call it 'muck up day' but 'celebration day!' lol
Our theme this year was cowboys and indians! We had lots of fun doing random things around the school and some of my friends aluminium foiled the teachers offices...which included Daile's!


em + woz said...

Congratulations Mel! What an achievement! You can finally breathe relief! What next?!

Mel.C said...

Thanks...its nearly all over! I've got 2 weeks left until exams are over and then, I'm just gonna take a break and get a part time job.
Then next year I'm going to differ, as I'm not really sure what I want to do. So I guess I'll get full time job! But ultimately I'd also like to travel!!!
p.s can you please also invite me to nate's blog too?! thanks