Friday, December 26, 2008

12 Nights Before Christmas

Church hosted a variety night '12 nights before christmas!'
In which the church hall was transformed! Sharon and Stephen along with the rest of their team came up with a really awesome idea in which the entrance to the stage was made into an art gallery hallway hosting artworks depicting a line from the song '12 days of christmas'. It's hard to explain, but just look at the photos!
Each table had a paper table cloth and crayons which allowed the table members to decorate their table. This year my table consisted of Dogga, Danielle, Mel, Wendy and Amanda. We decided to theme our artworks with the obvious theme of '12 days of Christmas' and I'm pretty sure it was my 5 golden rings that made us the winners of the table top decorating competition!! haha
Actually I have to give full credit to everyone else especially Mel her partridge in a pear tree was amazing!!
I probably should also mention that all the acts were really good! I loved Coby, Claire's and Stephens Ode to John Farnham that was hilarious, as well as Mel's kazoo song


Matt & Danielle said...

You got a photo of Wendy! Awesome!

Mel.C said...

haha i know! ...was very difficult though!