Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Day

Stupid question: Why do these sun spot things come up?? Can someone please explain?

Christmas with Dad's Family
Every year for the last few years Jess, Sarah, Tia, Hannah and I organise some games or presents that involve things from the Op Shop. This year we bought random things from the Op Shop and put all the family into teams. Each team had to make up an ad like an infomercial. They were all clever and very funny. We also played singstar and our own version of 'don't forgert the lyrics'.


Matt & Danielle said...

It's called lens flare, caused by refraction inside the glass elements of the lens. A polarizing filter should do the job! Danielle xx

Mel.C said...

Thanks danielle, or should i say dogga?! lol
Im definitely gonna go and buy a filter now!!

em + woz said...

Or you could try putting your hand up over the top of the lens, making sure your hand isn't in the shot, making your own "lens hood". Much cheaper!

I love the lens flare in this shot though! It works!
