Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Diami's 2nd Birthday!

For Diami's 2nd birthday we headed down to the Melbourne Zoo! Jemma even came down from Sydney for the occasion! I'm pretty sure Diami enjoyed the day very much, his favourite animals being the ducks!! lol It was a cold winter's day but thankfully it did not rain! Favourite animals for the day would have to be the giraffes, lions (cause they fought each other lol), the otters and the meer cats!

Otters holding hands at a zoo in america! so cute


benny said...

Once again, great job with the photos!

Did you know, that we took Nate to the zoo just two weeks shy of his second birthday?

All the cool 2-year-olds are doing it.

Mel.C said...

Thanks benny, I was using dogga and danielle's 50mm portrait lens so that helped me out a bit!

...and yeah actually I did know that! It's obviously the cool thing to do! haha